


The nights are getting much cooler around here these days.  As I was piling on the blankets one evening I realized that each one had a story behind it.  A story of love and nurturing.  A king size quilt made by Robert's grandma.  A smaller blanket sewn and hand tied by his mother when he was a growing boy.  Anyone who knew her has very likely been the recipient of either a quillow or quilt lovingly made for those she cared for.  It was one of her love languages to ensure that all who entered into her sphere where well fed and warmed with a lasting fabric hug from her.  

On top I always like to have the quilt my mother made for me several years ago when we still lived in Alaska.  She had recently begun learning to quilt at the time, and because I was so far away from family she sent me one first so that I would be able to wrap it around me and get a hug from her whenever I was feeling lonely and longing for family.  It has since been my favorite.  Each of the fabrics used holds dear memories from my childhood.  Memories of shorts, dresses and skirts worn by each of my sisters, doll clothes and a sweet little fabric doll house, all sewn with love by my mother as she raised her own children.  

No doubt, as the nights turn from cool to cold, I will soon be adding more blankets to the pile on my side of the bed.  And there are many more to choose from that were stitched with love by those dear in my life.  Even an extra snuggly one that Robert sewed for me while we were dating!  He certainly is a man of many talents that one.  Wishing you all love and warmth in the cold winter months ahead.


  1. Oh how lovely that each of your quilts has so many memories attached; it definitely makes them more than just something to keep you warm!
