For the first time since having children of our own, we stayed home and enjoyed a cozy Christmas with just our little family. It was a lovely day, full of all the joy and wonder I remember feeling as a child myself. The best present of all that day was the beautiful, and very belated for the season, snowfall that lasted most of the day. This girl of mine had a grand time frolicking in the frozen flakes. My heart is full of joy for these simple and oh so precious moments. I look foreword to many more in the coming year as our family continues to grow.
For the first time since having children of our own, we stayed home and enjoyed a cozy Christmas with just our little family. It was a lovely day, full of all the joy and wonder I remember feeling as a child myself. The best present of all that day was the beautiful, and very belated for the season, snowfall that lasted most of the day. This girl of mine had a grand time frolicking in the frozen flakes. My heart is full of joy for these simple and oh so precious moments. I look foreword to many more in the coming year as our family continues to grow.
{this moment}
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{this moment} ~ Following along with Amanda's Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a simple, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.
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Yarn Along :: an experiment
I finished knitting the little hooded cape a few weeks ago, but still need to weave in the ends and sew on the toggle that I finally got for it this week. There are a few mistakes, but that's how one learns, right? I started knitting this to use up some yarn that I wasn't terribly fond of, and I think perhaps I should have done a larger size, as there is quite a lot of extra yarn left. Maybe a little vest to go with it?
Even thought I hadn't gotten very far in reading Home Education, it was due back to the library. I'll definitely need to get my own copy so I have time to really savor and digest it's pages. While visiting a friend the other day she surprised me with a couple of books that she had discovered on her shelves and thought I might be interested in. Yes please! Toymaking With Children has been on my list of 'want to read' books for quite sometime. It has given me just the motivation I needed to sort through our toys and organize a more kid friendly play space. I'm anxious to try out some of the patterns in this book.
Spinach Cheddar Quiche
Everyone loves breakfast around our house, and often serve it for dinner. It's been a while since I've made one of my favorites, quiche. I'm so glad I pulled this recipe back out, as it is always a winner with everyone at the table, and very easy to make. The recipe calls for feta, which tastes divine, but I typically use what ever cheese I have on hand. This time it happened to be cheddar.
This is the perfect recipe to have little ones help with, but beware of sneaky hands looking for a tasty morsel of cheese!
I served our Spinach Cheddar Quiche with the most delicious Pumpkin Pie Smoothies for a perfect fall dinner.
What is your favorite meal to serve this fall? I love getting new ideas!
~ Warmly,
{this moment}
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{this moment} ~ Following along with Amanda's Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a simple, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. If you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments for all to find and see.
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TEND magazine
I just got my first copy of TEND! If you've not yet heard of this quarterly downloadable magazine I recommend that you take a moment to check it out. The pages of TEND are filled with a generous offering of lovely photos and articles intended to nourish the head, heart and hands.
After perusing through the pages of Issue 3 :: Autumn 2014 I can hardly wait to dive in a savor it's contents. I love that there are several pieces of art available to print and have already chosen a couple of my favorites for our home. There are also patterns, tutorials and recipes that look deliciously perfect for the autumn season. I am especially anxious to try the Chocolate Applesauce Cake with Caramel Sauce! Doesn't that sound heavenly? This issue even includes a segment for preschool in the education section. So perfect for the stage my children are at right now.
I really feel like I've found quite a treasure with this magazine that complements my personal values of home and family so well!
First Yarn Along
I am so excited to join in on the yarn along for the first time this week! I even have a completed project to share. This Shibui Baby Hat from Sock Yarn One-Skein Wonders just came off my needles last night. I've knit this hat up before for a friend's baby and was delighted that it seemed even easier the second time around. I wasn't quite sure about the yarn at first, it seemed a bit too dark for a baby, but it has really grown on me. Now it's time to cast on for some matching little socks. They'll be perfect for keeping our new baby warm when he arrives in the bitter cold of February.
As for my reading, I've started Charlotte Mason's Home Education and have been delighted with it thus far. Though I'm not very far into it yet, her suggestions seem very well grounded in common sense. I've also noticed similarities between her educational philosophy and that of others I've looked into. My daughters are still a ways from being 'school' aged, so I'm grateful to have a few more years to prepare myself for educating our children at home.
~ Happy knitting, and thank you for visiting!
makeshift studio
We've spent the past couple of weekends cleaning, organizing and rearranging. It all started with a need to sort through all the boxes and bags of too large or too small kid clothes that have been accumulating in the basement. As we worked, I realized that with a little rearranging I could make much better use of the limited space we have in the basement, and give it another use. Because laundry, storage and food pantry just isn't enough for one little room!
I accepted the reality some time ago that very little, if any, sewing or crafting would be possible with the current location of my sewing table. Right in the living room, where little hands can reach everything! Now that I've relocated my crafting space to the basement, I've at least got a good chance of actually accomplishing something every now and then. Provided I can steal a few moments to myself.
Last night I was lucky enough to spend a couple of blissful hours alone, locked in the basement. Yes, locked! On my way down I asked Robert to *please* lock the door behind me so that no one would follow me. (Otherwise, the sound of that door opening is like a magnet pulling my children from any corner of the house to come a see who's going downstairs, and what they're doing. And of course, once they get down there, what treasures can they rummage for to bring back up.) I spent the time sorting through my sweater scraps and planning a new project. I feels so nice to be able to leave a project out and be ready to pick up right where I left off. I think I'm very much going to like my new makeshift studio. What it lacks in aesthetic, it certainly makes up for in functionality. And for now that's just right.
I accepted the reality some time ago that very little, if any, sewing or crafting would be possible with the current location of my sewing table. Right in the living room, where little hands can reach everything! Now that I've relocated my crafting space to the basement, I've at least got a good chance of actually accomplishing something every now and then. Provided I can steal a few moments to myself.
Last night I was lucky enough to spend a couple of blissful hours alone, locked in the basement. Yes, locked! On my way down I asked Robert to *please* lock the door behind me so that no one would follow me. (Otherwise, the sound of that door opening is like a magnet pulling my children from any corner of the house to come a see who's going downstairs, and what they're doing. And of course, once they get down there, what treasures can they rummage for to bring back up.) I spent the time sorting through my sweater scraps and planning a new project. I feels so nice to be able to leave a project out and be ready to pick up right where I left off. I think I'm very much going to like my new makeshift studio. What it lacks in aesthetic, it certainly makes up for in functionality. And for now that's just right.
{this moment}
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{this moment} ~ Following along with Amanda's Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a simple, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. If you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments for all to find and see.
It's a HOOT! Quilt

My second ever quilt is finally done! Only took me three and a half years, and that's ok. What started out as a baby quilt is really more appropriately sized for a toddler anyway. And she does love it so. Several weeks ago I pulled it out in it's quilted but unbound state to show a friend that was visiting, and Lydia was so excited that it was for her and wanted to keep and use it right away. Now that I've actually done the binding, and see how easy it was, I feel a bit silly that this quilt has been sitting for over a year awaiting this final step.
Getting the top put together was the easy part. In my pre-baby fabric purchasing frenzy I also selected a couple of charm packs from the It's a HOOT! collection by MoMo for Moda. Hours were spent sitting on the nursery floor, arranging and rearranging each little square until I had just the right combination and balance of color. All the while dreaming of the new baby, so long awaited, that would soon join our family. What would she look like? What would sort of personality would she have? What fun it will be to raise a daughter! Just as this quilt has come together bit by bit, so too is my dear Lydia growing to be such a fine little lady.
It melts my heart each time I hear her say "Mama, this is my special quilt that you made for me", and to hear in her voice that she knows it was an act of love. That's what mama crafting is really all about, isn't it? A tangible, snuggly bit of love, crafted specially for those we hold most dear.
As good as Grandma's
There has been an awful lot of cookie baking going on around here lately, and none of it by me. Since reading The Doorbell Rang with Lydia, she had been requesting to bake some chocolate chip cookies of our own. Knowing that he enjoys making them, I suggested that perhaps she might make some with her papa. Aprons on(or 'pockets' as they are called around here) and chocolate chips in hand they got to work, while mama got some much needed rest. The joy and laughter that wafted my way was as sweet as the cookies themselves, which were almost as good as grandma's.
{this moment}
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{this moment} ~ Following along with Amanda's Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a simple, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. If you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments for all to find and see.
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Nursery Rhyme Quilt
My wonderful sister Laura recently completed the last finishing touches on a baby quilt she's been working on for Evangeline. So much love went into the fine details of this sweet baby quilt. The dresden plate and Sun Bonnet Sue are in memory of Robert's mother. Many of the quilts she was known for making, including our wedding quilt, were made up of many squares with dresden plates. Among her massive collection of fabric (which, sadly, I was unable to take with us when we moved from Alaska) there were several different pieces featuring Sun Bonnet Sue.
I feel like I notice something new each time I get the chance for a closer look, when it's not being snuggled by an equally sweet little girl. Like the flower detail on the shoes,tight little quilting on the white spaces, sunburst quilting around the dresden, and even flowers stitched around the binding. All done freehand on her sewing machine!
Not only is this quilt a delight to look at, Evangeline seems to think it's perfect for snuggling up in too. And why not share with a friend or two while she's at it? I truly special gift that will be cherished for many years to come. Thank you Auntie Laura!
I've been thinking a lot lately of my purpose for creating and writing in this space. Why am I doing it? Does it mater what I write about, or if anyone else ever finds and reads what I have to say. Though I think the title does a fair job of telling what I endeavor to write about, I'd like to try and articulate, mostly for myself, the why behind it.
As a homemaker, and mother of little ones, it can be very easy for days and even weeks to go by feeling as if nothing has been accomplished. A lot of the same things happen every day, meal prep and clean up, diapers and laundry, bath and bed. In between all of the necessary tasks of raising a family and maintaining a home, I strive to make a little time to nurture my own creativity.
By documenting even the smallest amount of tangible creative efforts, I am able to look back and see that, yes I have indeed *done* something. This encourages me to continue on in spite of the everyday bits of living that often cause me to push many of the things that I enjoy to the back burner for some day. I choose for 'some day' to be *today*, and every day!
Of course there is the ever important and daily task of nurturing and guiding children as they learn and grow. I am encouraged in my mothering as I capture moments of wonder along the way that show the fruits of my efforts beginning to blossom. I am in awe of each of my dear children, and honored to share with them the wonder of home.