With all this talk of babies, baby showers and tiny hand-knits I figure it's high time to share my latest work in progress. That's right, we are so excited to welcome another baby girl to our family! We expect her to arrive late March around the spring equinox. ~Blessings to you dear friends and thank you for sharing this exciting news with me!~
My first sweater, completed in under a week! The pebble vest I was so excited to start and am almost done with my second one. Such a quick and easy knit, perfect to welcome sweet new babies in the winter with warm woolly covered bellies. This one is for a cousins soon to arrive baby girl whom we celebrated this past weekend. A 'Wonder'ful time was had by all thanks to the creativity and resourcefulness of sisters cousins and friends. As the first round of festivities for the season I find myself settling in for many more hours of blissful knitting. Oh yes, there are many more pebbles in my future!
Excitement is . . . ...Coming home to a package you have waited weeks for *weeks* ( I can vacuum again!) ...That feeling you get just before casting on a new project, especially when you already have the yarn and appropriate needles for the task. Oh so very excited for this one! ...Finding a long lost item in a unlikely place. Doesn't every crafter keep a the charger for their camera battery stowed among fabric and notions? ~May your day be filled with joy and a little excitement~
As we leave fall and settle in for a nice long winter I find myself taking one last look back to summer. The hot dry summer that this Alaska girl thought at times might never end is now a distant memory. No doubt after several months of cold I will be excited and ready to make new summer memories with a our sweet and every growing girl.